Freaky Graveyards & Ghosts


Visitor from Beyond

My 1st stepmother was suffering from breast cancer. She was in and out of the hospital quite frequently, I was not very close to her. I think she resented me, having a 16 year old wild child move in  with them. All I cared about was kid stuff. I really regret not taking the time to get to know her better, my father really loved her. When I was about 21 I was living on my own with my daughter Megan in a trailer. One night I had already locked all the doors to the trailer and  was in bed about 11 or so, and all of a sudden the side door of the trailer blew  open and started slaming up against the wall outside.  It really scared me alot, I thoughht someone  had  pried the door open and  was trying to get at my young daughter,at the time she was  2 years old and myself. So I carefully got up and  went to the slamming door, I did not hear anny noise from a person, so I slid around the corner and pulled the door shut,relocked it and tried to go back to sleep. The next day in the mornning my father called me and told me of my stepmothers death and the time. It really freaked me out because that was the same time my door blew open. I believe she was telling me goodbye, even though we were not close, or she had a little extra  power  and  she wanted to scare me. Either way I will never forget that night. I have always hoped she was just saying goodbye. 


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